Our mission is focused on Research, Education, and Comfort. Our comfort portion has a broad reach, however we regard comfort as an equally important component. We provide financial support to women with breast cancer who are struggling. We also comfort through our ministry and visitation. And for those who wish to help other women, we invite our comfort recipients to be apart of our events.
Here's a look at some of the things we do.

“Since the inception of our partnership, the Pink Clover Foundation has extended our ability to support our patients at AtlantICare’s Cancer Care Institute. The Foundation’s generous gifts have allowed our patients to obtain the equipment and resources they need to continue conquering cancer. Breast cancer is debilitating enough- physically, mentally and financially. Thanks to Pink Clover, AtlantiCare’s patients are given a pass from worrying about how they are going to make ends meet, and instead are able to focus their energies on healing. From our team to yours, thank you for joining us in caring for our patients. Together, we are making sure no one faces cancer alone.” – AtlantiCare Cancer Care Institute Team

May 2021
Comfort Gift Presentation
Our annual Golf event returned a bit sooner. A shift in our events calendar aloud us to have this event in the Spring. No Rain!! An amazing round of golf and this year because of your generosity, we were able to honor two women. Diane (picture below) was not able to attend because the chemo was not kind to her. A reminder of the challenges put upon these women. We hope to have her attend our Gala.
Pictured above is Tracey. Fighter does begin to describe this woman. A positive and upbeat warrior determined to beat cancer. A mother of 7, Tracy was diagnosed with stage 4 triple negative breast cancer August 2020 and after aggressive treatment and a lot of prayer, she is now in remission. Tracy and Diana will always be a part of our family and we hope you get to meet them both sometime soon.
Everything Matters.

December 2020
Caroling the Comfort Recipients.
In the year of social distancing, we thought we'd do something special. So while keeping our space, we graced our Comfort Family with our out of tune and unrehearsed voices.
Check out the video

October 2020
Comfort Gift Presentation
Our annual Golf event turned out to be (dictated by Covid restrictions) a gorgeous day. It afforded us an opportunity to help a woman who has be hit hard financially while battling breast cancer during a pandemic. It reminds us of why we do what we do. Everything Matters.

August 2020 Comfort Gift Presentation
Hosted by Hill Creek Farms in Mullica Hill NJ, we set up a few tents and games (and masks all day in the sun).
It was an opportunity to let people in Gloucester County learn a bit of what we do and how you can help. A very fun day and a chance to present a gift to a gracious woman.

June 2020 Comfort Gift Presentation
2020 altered our plans and caused many things to be put on hold, that included the 5K Run and 1 Mile Walk. For the women getting cancer treatment, it put them at an even higher risk. To continue our mission, we made this one virtual . Your support was never more appreciated.

November 2019 Comfort Gift Presentation
Our Biggest event of the year went beautifully thanks to the amazing support from our sponsors and you. With special guest speaker Jaime Valvano, It was a powerful and emotional night At this event we were able to honor two deserving women Joy and Adrienne. An event like this would not be possible without the continued support of our sponsors and you.

October 2019
Pink Clover partnered with the Philadelphia Union in an event to raise awareness for women's breast cancer. Before the start of the game, right outside Subaru Stadium, we had an open tailgate party that was also an outreach to the fans attending the game. When fans stopped by our tents, they assisted us in bringing comfort to women getting their treatments for breast cancer by assembling comfort kits with a personal message.

September 2019
Compassionate , caring, and courageous.
Girl Scout troops 61062 from Logan Two NJ., and 61057 from Swedesboro NJ took their time and funds to put together comfort kits to be delivered to women getting their cancer treatments. Something sweet, something comforting, and a personal message of love and hope. Thank you to the future leaders.
This is an important part of our mission. If you want to get involved contact info@pinkcloverfoundation.org

September 2019 Comfort Gift Presentation
The Anna Magazu Gala in Vineland allowed us to help someone in Cumberland County and brought a beautiful soul into our family. Shannon was a very energetic and upbeat woman with a contagious smile. Unfortunately, Shannon passed Sept. 2020 after a 4 yr battle with breast cancer.

August 2019 Comfort Gift Presentation
Our annual Pink Clover Golf Event was even bigger and better, with even more rain.
Great event with amazing sponsors and attendees. Sadly we lost Barbara May 29, 2020 losing a long battle with cancer.

March 2019 Comfort Gift Presentation
A beautiful day for this event after weeks of inconsistent weather! Great turn out to help a deserving woman. Thank you all!! We know we had a couple hiccups, but overall it was an amazing day.

October 2018 Comfort Gift Presentation
Thanks to the overwhelming response and amazing support from our sponsors, we just completed our most amazing event of the year. Pink Clover was able to provide Shirley some much needed assistance. We could not have done it without you!!! Shirley passed May 2022.

August 2018 Comfort Gift Presentation
On behalf of the Colleen Sorbello Breast Cancer Foundation board, we presented Colleen Brooks a check to assist her while she deals with the burden of cancer therapy. This gift was made possible by the generosity of those who attended the August 3rd Golf event.

May 2018 Comfort Gift Presentation
On behalf of the Colleen Sorbello Breast Cancer Foundation board, we presented Valerie Roland a check to assist her while she deals with the burden of cancer therapy. This gift was made possible by the generosity of those who attended the May 4th Beef and Beer.