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Led by Dr. Neha Chawla, board certified medical oncologist with AtlantiCare.

The event provided up to date information on advancements in the field, treatment options, available resources, and follow-up care. I can tell you first hand that a lot of questions were answered. Thank you to all who put this together.

Sadly just prior to this event beginning we learned a very tragic accident occurred blocks away resulting in the death of a young child. Our thoughts and prayers go out to these families affected.


We had the pleasure of presenting a plaque to Sr. Pastor Ralph Graves Jr. and First Lady Christine Graves at Cornerstone Community Church in their new location at 501 E. Landis Ave. Vineland, NJ.

Cornerstone and the Graves have consistently supported Pink Clover in our mission, and recently opened up their church to us for a community education series on breast cancer.

The new location for Corner Community Church will enable them to continue their outreach to the local community and provide more services to those in need.


It's said, "We Don't Know What We Don't Know".  That's why we made education an important part of our mission.


Check out our Education Series on our EVENTS TAB.  These are informal gatherings in various communities.  It's an opportunity to speak with others about their breast cancer  journey.  Guest speakers, doctors, surgeons, and nurse navigators, offer insight into what to look for, screening sights, information about wigs, bras, spiritual support, insurance, and advocates.  Speak to others, ask questions, or just listen.  These seminars are free to attend, and there is coffee and beverages, as well as breakfast items provided by local business sponsors offering their support.  


Mark your calendar and bring a friend or loved one.  for future events click HERE.

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